
Hi, I'm Maleeha!
Welcome to my blog!

Here are a few things you will find here. I love travelling if you cannot tell already, so there are going to be lots of topics related to travel. 

Along with that, I am a big buff for new technology and camera-related news as I love documenting my travel adventures and I am always on the look for new gear that will help me achieve the results I am looking for. 

By using this website, you can spend less time searching the Internet and being overwhelmed with information and more time doing the one thing you want to do: travel more.

I cannot wait for you to explore the site and learn new things hopefully.

From Cubicle Worker to Travel Writer


 I’m Maleeha khan, a Pakistani Canadian who’s been wandering around the world for a while now, exploring and soaking in all the amazing cultures out there.

I think it’s so important to learn about different cultures and lifestyles, it helps us understand the world we live in better and also so that we can become more understanding and tolerant of others.

That’s why I love travelling (who doesn’t?) – it allows me to learn about other people and their customs first-hand.

I’m also interested in trying out new technology and learning about healthy secrets to improve our lifestyle. I love keeping up with the latest trends! 

I truly believe that we can make a difference in this world by helping others – whether it’s giving them our time, advice, or donating money or our skills.

That’s why I love doing charity work! I hope to share all that I learn with you as we wander together!